Saturday, February 19, 2011

Memories of Our Youth

Popular music can be catchy, inspiration, emotional, social, fun, retro and a million other labels.  While watching this video, I draw back to a time in my youth of listening to Soul and Top 40 music on an AM transistor radio.  I could never imagine, at that time, how music would be available to me on multiple platforms while combining video, and editable, aspects.  Technology drives pop music and presents us the enjoyment of fresh talent in myriad ways.  While my daughter loves Justin Bieber, I'll take Bruno Mars and B.O.B. as a current guide to the reflective reminder of my youth. 
Think about your own love for popular music.  Will it someday produce heartfelt images and sounds of your distant past?


  1. I believe that popular music in the future for me will definitely bring back heartfelt memories. Memories that represent the times I have had with my friends and the life that I lead at that very moment. While you chose Bruno Mars, I choose Lady Gaga. The music that she writes herself, truly transcends through all other artists, in my opinion. Music that gets to the core of having people dance to the music, no matter the opinion of the artist is a feat in itself. I have joked with my group of friends that when I'm old I'll still be jamming to "Bad Romance".

  2. For me music comes and goes faster then I change my cloths. Once I buy a song it quickly becomes old. In todays world it is so easy to get new music. People might not have as much of an appreciation for the songs as they once had when you first went out and bought the whole artist CD for the one song you were looking for.
    Popular music creates memories for me. If I listen to a song like "1980" by Rehab it will bring up a memory of hanging out with my cousins driving to a Mexican Resteront, with all the windows down, blasting that particular song, singing with the music on top of our lungs. you make memories with the music.
    For sure you will relate to the music and make it go with a memory you have in the past, but thats not with all the music you hear.

  3. Music is constantly changing as technology is but one thing I believe will never change is a memory attached to a song. I know when I hear certain songs I feel different emotions whether it be happiness while dancing with friends to Lady Gaga or sadness while sitting in my room listening to "Our house" by Madness which was my Nana's favorite song. Music will always be there no matter how much technology changes.

  4. I believe music today will remind me of memorable moments like when my favorite song was played i begin to dance and smile. For example my high school prom song everytime it's played on the radio or on my ipod i always think of prom and everything involved in it. Or songs that my mom used to sing to me so i would go to sleep. Music styles change and so does technology.

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  6. I believe that my love for popular music will someday produce heartfelt images and sounds of my distant past. When I listen to music I can pretty much relate my life to every song I hear. Music is kind of like a person or a friend it is always there for you when you need it. Whether it’s to make you laugh, cheer you up, or even upset you, you can always count on music. You picked Bruno Mars and B.O.B as your current guide to the reflective reminder of your youth, I pick Taylor Swift. Its almost that I know her and she is one of my best friends when I listen to her music. My whole life relates to her songs. All of my friends love her too, and say the same thing about her music. Her music doesn’t get old either. I can still see myself 20 or 30 years from now with a family, and driving my children to the places they need to be at with my CD of Taylor Swift in. My mom use to do that all of the time when I was little. I can definitely see myself with the windows down on a warm summer day, driving down the road singing “Love Story”.

  7. I believe that the pop music of today's world might lend to my memories of simple good times with friends, but its the music that I stumble upon from friends, boyfriend, family and other resources that will be closer to my heart. Such songs will provoke deeper memories and feelings for me--sadness, depression, angst, hope, joy, happiness, relief.
    Different bands suit my different moods. Sometimes it is a Lady GaGa day, when I need some simple upbeat music to pick me up, and other times I need the bluesy-soul rock of the Black Keys.
    Most pop music is fleeting--will Justin Beiber or Far East Movement last through the test of time, as such musicians as Frank Sinatra, Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles, and, one of my personal favorites, the White Stripes? These pop artists often don't even write their own music--so what heart is in it? The beats all begin to sound the same, and the uniqueness and creativity is sucked dry.
    Yes, a B.O.B song might remind me of a fleeting moment one day, singing with my brother, but its the music of true artists that weaves my life together in song.
    Allison Smith (

  8. My musical tastes are pretty diverse and there are many different genres and artists that I like. There are many people doing really creative and unique things with music, both inside and outside of the industry. There are many times when I actually like the music from, say, a movie or a video game more than the top 40 on the pop charts. I think these are the sorts of songs that will stay with me and remind me of my youth long after I've forgotten about a lot of the pop music of today.

    Many pop artists today are cashing in on the popularity of autotune, as well as new aspects of technology to enhance their music, and I think that's a good thing. Taking technology for granted in this day and age is ridiculous. Pop artists are always moving towards the next thing, and I think it's a good driving force for the industry, even if many (too many!) people are utilizing the same tactics. I think pop music of every generation sounds sort of the same, and that of my own is no different. But it will always have a special place in my heart, if only because I was around for its advent.


  9. I think that all music in someway shapes the future because the music of today effects the music of tomorrow. Some music stars and artists will fade, but they open the door for so many others styles of music or fads of tomorrow. Technology and media will now and forever be the central base for the continuation and succession of music and things to come.

  10. today music is made based on popularity and to make money. A lot of musicians dont play from the heart as much as they used to. i love listening to music and thinking about the things around me. It takes me to a diff place

    As i continue to grow up ill always think back to my music generation and think about all the good people i had around me. Typically there's always a song that reminds me of a person and as people grow up and make their own paths i'll always remember then when that certain song comes on!

  11. Music is constantly evolving and changing. I am sure the music I love now and the music I grew up on will not be loved by my children. However, I am sure that my generation’s music will influence what is popular in later generation’s music. In terms of the technology and its influence on music I am sure that is also a medium that will continue to change and develop. Similar to how my parents had to move from tapes, to cd’s, to iPod’s I am sure there will be plenty of technology changes that my generation will also have to face. However, good music is good music and for me music always carries good memories with it. Although music is a constantly changing medium the memories and my overall love for it will never change.

  12. I believe that my love for popular music will in the future bring back all kinds of memories. Music is a part of my everyday life, so many moments have happened around music. As simple as being in the car with friends, blasting music and making silly dance moves to go along with the beat. They are the moments that are brought up when in a car, and then repeated. When going to a concert it creates a big memory in my head, the process of getting ready, to the drive their and then the actual concert. The song "Bad Romance" will be the biggest staple in my mind for the simple fact that its the song i dance to where ever i am at with my friends, the moves just always come to me. I swear it can be playing ever so faintly and I will here it in the background, and know every part of the song.

    Tim Joyce

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I definitely think that popular music will produce images/sounds of my past. Even when I hear songs now that I used to when I was younger, in elementary school, it brings back faint memories. I can only imagine how I will feel in years to come hearing songs that mean so much to me now. Although technology, music, and many other aspects of life will change between now and then, I'm certain that those feelings, images, and sounds will always stay the same.

  15. I'm 26 years old and hearing a song that was popular in high definitely brings back memories. Its funny hearing a song that now only gets played on throwack thursdays. It makes you realize how fast time goes by but when you hear it feels like it was only yesteday when everyone was sitting on a bus singing it on the way to a swim or track meet.

  16. I definitely believe that in the future, music will be something that will create images in my head of past days. I listen to music for many reasons. Now a days I use music to calm down. Whenever I'm having a bad day I always turn on some John Mayer or The Fray. They always calm me down and help me focus on a goal. If I'm at the gym I put on some hip hop to pump me up and keep me going. Music helps me get through things. So I believe that in the future, I will continue to use music to remind me to focus or calm down. Even though I am only 18, whenever I hear songs I used to listen to during my tween years I am instantly transported back to those days. A smile comes across my face and picture my 13 year old self bopping around to the various artists like the Backstreet Boys. These memories make me smile. I believe as I grow older and my music choices change, I will continue to look back and smile about the music I used to listen to since it was a positive experience to me.

  17. For me, there is no question as to whether or not the music I listen to today will bring up memories for me in the future. I know this because even now, I will listen to songs that bring up certain memories in the past. Throughout every experience in life I always seem to stumble upon a song that I immediately connect with because it, in some way, relates to a situation I am going through. Because of this, whenever I hear that song months or years down the road I automatically remember that time or the feeling that I had. Even songs that I didn't consciously connect to a situation will bring up memories. For example, I used to listen to a certain playlist whenever I was in art class. Even though I wasn't connecting it to a certain situation or emotion, whenever one of those songs come on now it will bring up memories of that time period in my life. Overall, I think music will always be a way to tap into experiences I’ve had the memories I’ve made in the past.

  18. I have a strong love for popular music. Some songs remind me of the best memories I've ever had from elementary school, to jr. high, and my high school dances. There are some songs that remind me of memories from when I was a child, and it's funny that I cannot remember the specific moments but I can remember the song or lyrics of a certain song that remind me of that moment in time. There are certain playlists I have on my iPod for when I'm in a good mood, sad mood, and a mood for when I just need to relax and think. Music has always been a huge part of my life, and will continue to be through the years making memories along the way with me.

  19. It's crazy how music has changed over the years, and especially crazy how - in my opinion - "popular music" is now something that is more about the singer rather than the entire band as a whole. For instance, Lady Gaga... there is no band behind her, and even so if there were, the audience is paying attention to her, not the band. But as a musician myself, I like focusing on the music and the mood of the music and how it related to the lyrics, and as a writer, I like focusing on the meaning of the lyrics. With this popular music lately, there isn't anything meaningful about the lyrics, it's just a bunch of catchy words that rhyme thrown in a catchy guitar riff with simplicity and so on and so forth. And it's about the image and sexuality of the artist rather than the talent. If lady gaga actually went on stage, introduced the people behind the curtain per se, and maybe played guitar and wrote her own lyrics, I would respect her a hell of a lot more than I do with her dancing all over stage making a name for herself for publicity rather than for herself. It's about the publicity, not about the music, and that is what really grinds my gears. Where has the message gone in the music? Where has the beauty and passion and creativity dispersed to? This is all my opinion though, I am sure there are people that can connect with the song or at least, as you put it, the time period.

    -Kevin Pees

  20. The popular music of today is just a remake of yesterdays music. Justin Bieber is just Aaron Carder sold to a different audience. Boy bands are the same, look at N*SYNC, Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block, the Four Seasons. All boy bands that girls were flipping out over. They really just like looking at guys with decent voices.
    When people are looking at "popular" music today they are looking for the spectacle. The current big name is Lady Gaga. She has the most out there in your face things. Rhianna is trying to follow in her footsteps. But, if you look back, they are following in Madonna's steps. There is nothing new.
    If you look at lyrics from old and new songs, you can find things that have the same general idea, they may not say it in they same way, but nothing is new.

  21. Popular music today changes constantly. As soon as a new song comes out by a popular artist is it the number one song on Itunes or the top 100 songs. Whenever I hear a song on the radio or even on my ipod that I haven't heard in a while it brings back memories of songs that I used to listen to because music is always changing there is always a good song to listen no matter what the genre, and no matter if it popular at the time or if it had its days of being popular but other songs have topped it. Music has a way of giving people entertainment through the catchy beat or rhythm of the song and the lyrics as well. I know that getting a song stuck in my head is a common occurrence when I hear a song I like and then I like to play it over and over again and it eventually gets stuck in my head. It gets stuck in our heads for a reason. We have a connection the song and it resonates in ours heads. While all music might not be considered "popular" it all has something about it that we enjoy and whenever a certain song is played often times we can think of the first time we heard it or the person who was there when we heard it or even what we were doing. Music has a connection in that kind of way and that is why music is such a motivating piece of technology that surrounds our world daily and constantly is changing from the past and into the future.

  22. I would like to hope that music that I listen to today will still resonate with me when I am older. Although the music that is considered "popular", at least by my definition, will probably not evoke memories to me, at least not at much. I know that even now when I hear a song that I used to love from even as little as a year ago, it brings back the memories from the time when it meant so much to me. I whole heartedly believe that certain songs can create feelings of nostalgia for me as I grow older.

  23. I believe that my love for popular music will someday produce heartfelt images and sounds of your distant past. I know that when I get older there will be a certain song that I hear on the radio that I used to love when I was little and it will bring back so many memories. Songs affect your mood and your behavior. I know that 10 years down the road a song will play that used to be my favorite song from my childhood and it will bring back so many memories. Whether the memories were good or bad they will bring a height of different emotions. Every song in the world today holds meaning to someone out there.
    I know that even when I am 50 years old I will flip through my iPod and I will see a song on there from, for example, from senior year and it will bring back SO many memories. It will probably bring a tear to my eyes because high school was the absolute best time of my life.

  24. I believe that popular music will always bring back memories for me. Even today when I hear an old song on the radio I can remember times in middle school hanging out with my friends, road trips with my family, and socials. Music has evolved tremendously over the years on the radio, and now that iPods are around, I can stay connected to those old songs. I have some of my favorite songs from when I was 13 on my iPod. And, now that iPod has given us the capability to purchase songs on the go, I can buy popular songs that I hear on the radio with a click of a button on my iTouch.

    Even when I listen to my favorite stations Q104 or Kiss FM, when an old song comes on I can remember summers with my friends riding our bikes around town with a portable radio strapped to the back of one of our bikes trying to win tickets for a "Three Doors Down" concert. I definitely believe 20 years from now I'll be listening to my iPod and I'll listen to a song that will remind me of college, friends, family, good times, bad times. But, I know popular songs will make me remember something from my youth.


  25. Music is a transcendent art form that personally always takes me back. Hearing an old song that I thought was "popular" allows me to reminisce about those days and mentally travel in the past. Even today with the abundance of ways to receive this media, "popular music" still finds a way to remain relevant and help people think back. I have no doubts that music from day will undoubtedly survive and be a source of heartfelt memories for my generation in the future. When I'm home, riding in the car with my parents, sometimes a song comes on that they get excited about and can describe the time and their actions when the song was popular. I actually look forward to being that father/grandfather to hear a song and immediately have memories of the past. Music, has and will, continue to inspire memories from the past.

  26. Anything played on the radio can be considered popular music, as it is listened to by the masses. Also, any song can definitely bring someone back to a previous time. Personally, there are plenty of songs that, when compiled, could become a soundtrack to my summer. Certain songs trigger certain emotions that I experienced when first listening to the song, once upon a time. Even songs I listen to now can become a song of my past within a couple months once the next hit is released.
    Over the past weekend, 98.1 WKDD played only music from the 90's, a time when I first fell in love with music. Thus, I spent my weekend reliving my years of growing up through music. I still loved it just as much as I did when I first heard it, only I felt like I could appreciate it more now that I could better interpret the songs.
    I guess the person that currently takes me back to my youth, although I'm still young, would have to be the Spice Girls or Britney Spears. They are the artists I can remember listening to the most as I grew up. A specific song that would bring me back to my high school years would be "Here's to the Nights" by Eve 6. 20 years from now, if I were to look back to the age I am now, any music by Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift would bring me back to this time, as it is what I listen to most frequently now.
    Not only can a specific artist or song bring someone back to a time, but so can the style of music or certain instruments used. This also shows how technology has affected media throughout the years. Popular music will always bring people back to specific time period, but only certain songs will remind people of the emotions they felt during these times.

  27. I believe music will forever live on in peoples hearts. Radio has been with us since the day we were born. It is our "go-to" form of media. When it's too quiet in a room. At a party. Concerts for entertainment. We have songs we associated for nearly EVERY emotion.
    When I think of music, I think of my first CD (Christina Augilera- Genie In A Bottle), countless van rides to soccer games from anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours away. I think of falling asleep to my favorite hip-hop /pop station every night even though my parents insisted classical music would help me sleep better. I think of dance mixes I performed to while on the dance team.
    In more recent times when I think of music, I think of what i listen to on my walks to class, and how I don't listen to the radio as much here as I did while living at home. I think all these things Now, and I'm only 18. I have a long time to hear more music and give them a memory in my mind. Something I'm sure I will continue to do forever. When *I'm* driving my kids to *their* soccer games and over hearing it while they fall asleep.

  28. I think my music will be there of course when im older and it will be like it is now. My kids will hate my music and i will hate their music because music will always change like it has since my parents were in school. Music is my life and I listen to it all the time and I think that if that ever changed that I would be lost because I have learned that it clams me down after a hard day. There are songs that feel like they were made just for me and they go along with my life perfectly. I think when im older and listening to music that it will make me think of my younger days and how good they were. I will probably hear a song that makes me think of a certain night and make me laugh. Music is something everyone loves and that will probably never change.

  29. I think that popular music will bring back fond memories when I am older. Even now, when I hear Backstreet Boys or N'Sync I think about how I use to come home from elementary school to watch TRL with my brother. There are also songs that make me think about the different places I've traveled, my high school dances, my best friends, my first boyfriend, and the soccer games I had to get pumped up for. When I am older and reflect upon this time in my life, I will probably think of music by the Black Eyed Peas, Taylor Swift, or Lady Gaga and how I sang and danced to them.

  30. I believe that popular music will always bring back memories. Whenever I get a new cd or hear a new song I will constantly listen to it. If I go on vacation I’ll listen to the same cd the whole ride there. Whenever I hear a song from that cd it always reminds me of the vacation. Some songs remind me of different grades through middle school and high school.
    Popular music will always bring back memories for me. In ten years if I hear a lady gaga song it will remind me of going out downtown with my friends on Thursdays. Her songs are always on at the bars. I'm not a fan of her music by any means but that's what her music will remind me of. Popular music is always going to be nastolgic and remind you of certain people and events.

  31. I know that the music I listen to now will bring me memories of the past as I get older. There are already songs the used to be popular that when I hear now bring me memories of the past. When I'm old and I'm chilling with the grand kids and I'll be busting out some Lil' Wayne, Usher, and music from other artists telling them stories about my past, things I used to do, and will definitely produce some heartfelt images. I feel this way, because I believe music has a higher emotional influence than a lot of other things a person hears throughout their life.

  32. What is great about music today is that I am surrounded by so many different genres and by so many different artists that I don't have to choose a favorite. I'm never listening to the same artist over and over again. So the problem with a song jogging my memory of something I feel may be a slim to none chance in the future. I listen to so much music that I don't think one specific song would do anything. Even now if I hear a song that was popular when I was younger I may start to hum along and then realize that I had loved that song while I was in middle school but I can't remember why. So I'll start to go through my middle school years and try and decide what made it so special to me but I won't be able to tie the song to anything specific in middle school. So the song more or less gets me to think about the past rather than it gets me to remember a memory.

  33. I definitely feel that the popular music I like today will create heartfelt memories for me in the future. Even though I am young, I can relate to this feelings already. My generation grew up with huge Pop bands such as Nsync, The Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, The Spice Girls, and Hanson. Every time I hear a song by one of these groups it makes me smile and I can always think of a fun time I had making "music videos" with my cousins and friends or just singing as loud as we can. I cant prove whether or not this is true, but I dont feel that younger kids have music groups that are as prominent in their lives as they were ours. Of course there is Justin Beiber, but I just don't see anyone with as much impact as the pop bands of my generation. I'm sure that every generation feels this way.

  34. Songs that are out are popular now, but will slowly be forgotten. While they are popular, people build memories with these songs, whether it be a night out with friends or the song on a first date. But after they are forgotten for so long, people get very sentimental with these songs when they hear them for the first time in months, or maybe even years. Memories are forever, and songs that people have memories with will always bring back heartfelt images.
    For me, there are many, many memories I have acquired with friends, family, and others. These songs will always bring me back to those times and places and let me relive that moment for even a few seconds.

  35. As many had said before me, i think that popular music does get old rather quickly. I am sure that some songs will lead to fond memories, but when i think of music and memories i think of music from the 90's, 80's and even farther back. I grew up listening to music from the 80's and before. It makes me think, that even though i think now that this music wont be a big part of my future, that it is possible that it will of i grew up to listening to music that my parents had felt the same way about. Of course there are a few artists that i hold near and dear to me, ones that i do not plan on forgetting. I think that music has a special quality, so no matter how many new songs come out, there will always be ones that stick with you.

  36. I would have to say that music has shaped my life in ways I never thought possible and the fact that it is available in so many places now is incredible to me. I am constantly listening to my ipod, the radio, pandora, or watching youtube videos. I think that there is a strong link between music and memories. Music can take me back to places I had forgotten, people, and wonderful or even bad times in my life. I think music is just another medium that we use to convey our feelings and experiences. And i would just like to say that from experience music has always invoked something very powerful for me and I think that it always will. I love music and I think it is probably something that I couldnt live without.

  37. Music has always meant something to me. No matter what song is on, it can always relate to someone or something. My absolute favorite song and band is "TNT" by AC/DC. And even though I can listen to classic rock like that, I can still listen to "Stuck Like Glue" by Sugarland. I really do listen to a variety of music because each individual genre has significance. I look up YouTube videos of the best hit songs from the 1990s because that was my decade! Some of my all time favorite groups and singers are from the 1990s. I reminisce even now about the "oldies" from my time, haha. Music always has and always will have a special place in my heart and my life.

  38. I believe that popular music has already created many heartfelt memories throughout my life. Since I have been a dancer my entire life, I am constantly listening and dancing to music. Therefore, I have danced to popular songs, and when I hear them or a song similar to one, I am often reminded of the many memories and experiences I have endured as a dancer. Also, lyrics to songs are written based off of song writer's experiences and feelings. Therefore, I think the majority of songs produced can be easily correlated with my own personal experiences and feelings. I find it very easy to connect to popular music, and I know that I will continue to enjoy and relate to the music produced in the future.

  39. I believe music has been able to provoke memories of a persons past and sometimes future since it became public. For me it doesn't even have to be a popular song. If it is a song that I can relate to it will immediately induce a thought of someone or a place I've been. Hearing songs again from my past feels like time stopped and I just went back in time to the place of when I heard that song on a particular day. Some songs even bring me back to the days of when I was riding in a car seat!

    I agree concur with emilymoran with what she about music also being able to bring back bad times as well as good ones. That just shows how powerful music can be.

  40. For me, I never hop in my car and turn on my radio. The last thing I want to do is hear the same song play 4 times with in an hour. So I immediately plug in my iPod to listen to my music.
    As a musician, I like to hear a lot of talent in the music I choose to listen to. But when I listen to the music that's popular these days, I hear no talent at all. In order to be famous in the music industry these days, all you really need is some auto tune and a catchy beat and you're good to go!
    Anytime there is progression in technology, it always has it's ups and downs. In music, I think of course there have been many ups. But there is also many downs. Talent isn't of great importance anymore, which definitely comes up as a huge down for me.

  41. Yes, Absolutely. It already does for me. I very seldom listen to the radio anymore. I, like many others have I hear no desire to hear the same song 4 times every hour. When I do, and I hear a song I grew up listening to, it really takes me back. Example, Jimmy Buffet. I just started listening to him again, because we are both Kappa Sigmas, and he just plain rocks. Anyway, When I was little my parents would play him on car trips. When I listen to him now it brings me back to that innocent, worry-free time in my life, and it always puts a smile on my face.

    It always makes me laugh a little thinking of what will be considered "Classic" rock when we all are grown up, working real jobs, and raising families. Perhaps it will be the metal I listen to currently, and when I decide to play those songs I have no doubt that it'll bring me back to my 20's/college years, and it will be good.

  42. Yes, I agree with the question posed. In fact, it already has this affect on me. I am constantly reminded of my childhood when I hear an old song, group, or musician. My mind travels back and almost re-lives the moment. I can remember, the trend at the time, what I was wearing, what I was doing, my favorite food or drink who was there with me at the relaese of the single. Furthrmore, when I hear an "old-school" song I grew up with as oast on from my parents I share in their memories and a transfer happens when conversation begans. We can relate in what I like and love and why they do, or it's just plain comedic to hear what was going on in their time when having first heard the song, artist, etc! Hand dance with my mother and tell tons of stories to a memory we've shared together with the song. I hope for the same with my children, that music presents us the opportunity to relate and create memories for a lifetime that they too can pass to their children.

    Its amazing how influential music is. It has become/been a universal language.

    Music transcends social class, culture, gender, language, race. Music does things we have yet to overcome.

    Technology also serves a wonderful way of bringing the nostalgic tunes to us. In my iPod on my phone,I can hear the blues-y crooning of Billie Holiday to the smooth tunes of Sade or Earth, Wind, and Fire.
    Although I'm only 21 years old, they're able to speak to me more than todays popular music which I don't listen to,much at all. I like CHH (Christian Hip Hop), Christian Rock/ Alternative, Contemporary worship and Gospel, Jazz, old-school rap and r&b soul.


  43. To me I know popular music will produce heartfelt images and sounds from my past. Today it even does that now whether it was at a school dance, hanging out with a group of friends, or that emotional moment in a person's life. Today's music brings many people different emotions and feeling when they listen to it and that is why I think so many people out there love music. Technology is improving as well as the music industry and it will continue to grow.

  44. I am constantly saying that certain songs and music remind me of my childhood and growing up. Because of today's technology, it is easy to become in touch with old music that was popular while growing up. Even when my mom bought her first ipod she had me download all of the "popular" music that she had listened to while growing up. Having an ipod and itunes gives us the luxury of not having to suffer through the awful radio stations constantly playing the same songs over and over again. If I like a song, the only reason I might stop liking it would be because it is over played on the radio. Music is such a special thing and I love the fact that it takes me back to some good times, and even the sad memories, but because it does, helps me believe that those memories will always somehow be with me.

  45. Although pop music is inevitably heard almost everywhere these days, I believe that I will be listening to alternative, or more "tailored" music in my future. However, the fact that one does hear these "pop songs" so often without even trying, whether at school dances, parties, etc., makes it difficult to deny that they will not bring certain memories or feelings from one's youth.

    With his being said, though the songs I will enjoy the most are these "alternative" songs, it is undeniable that I will also enjoy listening to some pop hits whether I search for them, or hear them in the media.

    Andrés Solano (

  46. I will most certainly be brought back to my past from certain songs or artists in the future. Today's songs in a way create a theme song for our days, weekends, and years. Certain songs will stick with us because they were constantly on repeat and were "that song" to be listening to. Even today I will hear a song that will take me back to my middle school years and sometimes even last summer. In a way songs are kind of a key to the past. Most of us listen to music all day and create a tempo for your day. I agree with you because songs/music is definitely a memory keeper. As much as I enjoy listening to the music I do today, I can't wait to hear certain songs in the future to see what memories they bring back to me.

  47. I strongly believe that music will always have a way of reminding me of the past. Music is a lot like scents (smells), people say there is a certain nostalgia to them. For example, when someone smells turkey, they think of thanksgiving, or if they smell fresh cut grass they think of summer time and then from there memories occur. That is how I think of music. When I hear Miley Cyrus, it makes me think back on the days when I was much younger listening to Britney Spears. I believe that music is way for all people to look back on their past, good or bad, and we can reflect. It is like a door to our past. While we can go back physically, we can go back in our minds and remember those times. Music will always be like this for me. I'm sure in 10 years I will hear a song that reminds me of something that I used to listen to and I'll probably laugh and think "I was here at this time and with these people sharing these memories". And with the fast growing technology I think music from my childhood and on will always be available, and I will always have it as a keepsake.

  48. Think about your own love for popular music. Will it someday produce heartfelt images and sounds of your distant past?

    In my opinion, ofcourse popular music can and has brought back memories of my past. there are times when I hear a song and i can literally remember what i had on the day i first heard the song and how me and my friends would try our best to perform renditions of the song (and sounded terrible lol). One particular song is "Burn" by Usher. I can remember an ex girlfriend of mine and I hanging out and stuff doing the things that lovers do. haha.

  49. I believe music, especially for me, helps me remember events in my life. Road trips, tragic events, and exciting times. Music helps people transition themselves into certain moods they may be feeling at that certain moment, or help them get into a mood they want. For my family, everytime Sheryl Crow's "I Wanna Soak Up the Sun" comes on, I think of driving with the windows rolled down driving to North Carolina. On the other hand, Elton John's "Candle in the Wind" reminds many of the tragic death of Princess Diana. Music is such a wonderful memory tool that many take for granted or fail to recognize. People listen to rap music or hard rock to "pump up" their workout, while "Wind Beneath My Wings" may be famously sung during a loved one's funeral. Music is enjoyed and beloved by all generations and cultures, and I truly believe it is the only universal language.

  50. I believe that music can have much more than a melody to it, it has memories and can change your mood instantly. Music is always changing and has so many different varieties but certain songs or genres can describe something such as a summer you shared with friends, graduating high school, or even just one fun night. When you hear a song, sometimes you don't think about what the song is trying to say instead you're listening so that you can remember the last time you heard it and what you were doing or what the song meant to you. I think when you get old those feelings will only grow stronger and you can look back on all of your memories. We can already see this with our parents and other adults who turn on a song and can reminisce to when they saw Kiss on concert, or their wedding song. This is why I believe that every artist never dies because his or her work is always shared and remembered. Long after Lil Wayne isn't considered 'popular' anymore I can guarantee I will turn on Drop the World and know all the lyrics. And enjoy every second.


  51. Music is a vital part in a lot of peoples life's, years can pass and you can still remember songs and in some instances remember where you where when it played the first time. Music can hold images of feelings good and bad. Music has a connection with emotion that most people remember forever. So music can re illustrate the past in a very vivid and colorful way

  52. Personally i love music, couldn't live without it. Music triggers an emotional attachment to our past memories. For example, Tupac and Biggie trigger memories of riding around with my aunt when i was younger. Every time i hear a certain song its attached to a certain memory. The music that i listen to today will definitely remind me of my college memories. There are songs that me and my friends listen to today that make us think of someone or a time when we we're out having fun. Music is essential in my life. If you take away my music you take away my memories.

  53. As a dancer I feel that music is one of the biggest elements in my life. I turn to music for many things. I create movement to music and express my emotions through music. I also can tell a story through music. When dancing I pick a type of music that represents my mood at the moment and when the song comes on I begin to move and all of my pent up emotions are set free. I also believe that music will always be a part of my future and holds so many unforgettable memories from my past. I could not imagine my life without music.

  54. Well music has influenced my life as far back as i can remember. When i was little my grandma use to sing "Hey Jude" by The Beatles to put me to sleep. Ill remember that in till the day i die. When i went to Myrtle Beach when i was about 7 my best friend and I, blasted "Somebody to Love"- don't know the artist but i can see us jumping on the hotel beds just singing as loud as we can. First time i got my license i blasted "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin. Just so many memories from music. I believe music is the soundtrack of your life, whatever your listening that day, thats what your feeling. Music is the sound of the world.

  55. Music has played such a huge part of my life. It has helped me relive past memories, mold and create current ones, and will surely help shape the future as the years pass. The way I have changed my view of listening and seeing music has changed as I've gotten older. As a child all I wanted to do was dance and sing along. Now I listen for vocals, catchy beats, the lyrical meaning, inspiration, and so many other aspects that create music.
    As you have chosen B.o.B and Bruno Mars, I narrowed mine down to Carrie Underwood and most certainly Lady GaGa. Lady GaGa has become the music of today. She brings a unique style, look, and creative edge to the music scene today. She strives to produce hit songs using her talented voice, catchy beats, the meaning she puts behind songs, and her envelope pushing message she portrays song by song. The inspiration and emotional passion that she has helps me to connect and feel her music. Through different reasons and meanings all of her songs has helped shape me and help me solidify who I am today. That to me is an important quality of a song and artist. To know what lies ahead in the future from her and the many other current and upcoming artists is so broad that only time will tell how and what will come about.


  56. Music is a big part of my life. i have listened to music since i can remember. Music i believe is something that will never ever go away, because it has always been around. I like all different types of music such as Jimi Hendrix, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, AC/DC, N.W.A, Biggie, Tupac etc...u get the idea. Music is always there for you to make you feel better on a crappy day and put you in a good mood. I try to listen to all of the new music that comes out and also listen old music from generations past. When a certain song comes on sometimes it brings me back to a different time in my life. So many of my memorize are related to music.

    Andrew Wascovich

  57. I personally could not live without music. I'm constantly researching new music. I listen to mostly all types of music besides country. I look at music as a mental escape from reality. On normal happy days I like to listen to rap and hip hop. When I'm feeling down I like to listen to softer music like Jack Johnson and John Mayer. Music touches everyone in different ways. Even if you don't like to listen to music, it is hard to get away from. It's always on the radio, at parties, and even in stores. Music is a big part of our society and I don't think it will ever die.

  58. Yes, I definitely think music of today will bring back heartfelt memories later on in my life. It already has brought back so many memories from the start of my love for music with my cassette tape in the 90's to my ipod touch and my macbook now. Music is a huge part of my life i am not anywhere without it. I am constantly playing music in my room, car, on my computer, and everywhere i can at any time. Thats the great thing about music these days is that its so portable. I am only 19 years old and the music industry and the ways to listen to music have already taken enormous changes even in my lifetime. I can not even imagine what is yet to come but i am anxious to see what technology will do to music next. Music gets me through my best of times and my worst of times and i would be nothing without it.
