As we move beyond our little circle of Facebook friends and local retweets, a broader and deeper appreciation of connectivity informs us. Maybe it is a blog about China. Or it is an archive of Egyptian protest videos found on YouTube that could lead to critical thought, effective research and engaged discussion.
So go ahead. Search the Internet sphere. Mine all of the Web 2.0 tools that you can. Span the globe for stories, videos, images and words about people and events. Bring these elements into your blog, website or Facebook page. Spread the word and connect the world.
Thanks for opening the door for me, helping me to be a more knowledgeable early adopter of a blog for teaching/ learning purposes; it's next on my do-list for including as an assignment, so it's nice to see your examples and blog links. I teach at grad and undergrad level in marketing, management, designing organizations and managing diversity. Inge