Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ed Tech Today

I recently had the honor to be interviewed on the ED TECH TODAY podcast.  The podcast was created by my good friend Jim Hurguy.  Jim is a very talented graphic designer and he is branching out into the world of social media.  This podcast is his latest venture in a series aimed at examining the critical role played by new techologies upon learning.

Jim and I talked about the changing dynamic of teaching college students with 21st century tools while maintaining discipline fundamentals. I discussed the practical applications of integrating new media into projects and assignments.

I enjoyed our chat and will soon post the finished copy so you can listen and respond with your comments.  A little discourse goes a long way.


  1. Thanks for the mention, Dave! It was a good discussion. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out!

  2. Jim's podcast is one of the best educational technology sites around.
